About Us

About Us

The name "Naioth" is derived from a biblical location within the sacred text where the Prophet Samuel provided refuge for David. Naioth was located within a city called Ramah. It was at Naioth where Samuel created a school or college of prophets and pupils. Thus the name means "dwellings" or "habitations". In essence, an atmosphere where the Spirit is teacher and the student make room to grow in the revelation of the Word.

Naioth School of the Spirit was established in 2018 as a non-profit parachurch ministry, lead by our founder Pastor Davon Simpson as a part of Davon Simpson Ministries. This ministry has touched the lives of many by giving an opportunity for all believers to expand their knowledge of the supernatural and aid them in "Growing Beyond Sunday".

What Naioth School of the Spirit Provides?
  • Scheduled Class sessions In-Person (adhering all CDC guidelines)
  • Zoom Video Conference access to all class sessions
  • Materials, Books, Stationaries to accommodate the given class session
  • Ministerial Training Program formerly known as Jacob's Well, were students are charter a rigorous course of theological studies, biblical hermeneutics, homiletics, sermon preparation, delivery and ministry administration.
  • Dreams & Interpreters Camp, where registered students share dreams, receive interpretation and are trained in proper biblical interpretations.

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